Imagine a life of success and happiness...
The Teen Focused Coaching program supports teens to be the best version of themselves: to be confident, to be unique, to achieve their potential, to be happy.
Teens today are struggling. They have different challenges.
Teens are stressed. Teens need our support.
They thrive with parents, teachers, families, and coaches who care about them and will help set them on a path to success and happiness.
Working with Teen Focused Coaching will allow your teen to:
Gain Confidence
Succeed in Life & School
Connect with Community
Find Happiness
I will listen for many things, such as what motivates, energizes, and excites your teens. Their beliefs, conclusions, self-talk, feelings that block action, self-doubt, strengths they may not notice, resources they have available but may not recognize, and much more.
I will ask your teen critical questions to inspire action. These questions will challenge your teen to uncover their goals, obstacles, and true potential. They will be asked questions about thoughts holding them back. Then we get to work.
I assist your teen in defining their personal goals in alignment with their needs and values assist them in creating strategies, discovering resources, and taking action confidently. I offer suggestions, advice, and resources.
Junior Year Journey
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Private Teen Coaching Package
These virtual private 45-minute sessions are for teens (and parents of teens) where I will help your teen understand their personal goals, obstacles, and guide them through developing strategies so they can succeed in life without the stress and overwhelm they currently feel.